Sunday, March 13, 2011

satellite photos of japan before and after

New York Times posted these interactive satellite images of Japan, you can move the slider in the middle back and forth to see what was there and what is no longer.  Pretty shocking.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

David Wojnarowicz - Buffaloes

I'm sure many of you will recognize this from history of photo the other day, but I really loved this photo and thought it applied to much of what we're been talking about in landscape.  I didn't realize but it's taken from a diorama at a history museum, which was one of the situations we discussed during the far away, near project. Also when the woman from the Benton described all the background information to this image it changed it's meaning entirely for me.  First she said that David Wojnarowicz made this photograph shortly after he was diagnosed with meaning number 1.  Then she described what the diorama was illustrating was hunters who would literally back bison into a corner until their only option was to jump off the cliff, historically known as a "buffalo jump".  She then described how during the 80's and during this outbreak of aids, the american government was abandoning their ill citizens because church and state have never been fully separated and homosexuality was meaning 2.  Without knowing all of that I still would have liked this image and thought it powerful because of its content, however I doubt it would have stuck with me til now.  Also it made me realize how important it is to read like Janet was telling us last class.  If I had read more about American history I might have been able to put these visual clues together myself and it would have been much more rewarding.